Many of you might not know this, but I am taking a class that makes my Friday 14 hours long and drags me out of bed on Saturday morning at 6:30. Tired and groggy, I drive right back into the inner city that I left less than 10 hours earlier. It is a class to help me teach the gifted kiddos that are in my classroom. It is a class that is making me a better teacher. It is a class that is challenging me to grow and change. Now please don't get me wrong, this class is important to me. I have sacrificed to be in it ... my weekends, time with my family, time with my friends, and even going to the Beth Moore Siesta Scripture Memorization Weekend ... so I do not begrudge going ... it is just so early in the morning on a day that my pillow calls to me so very sweetly that it is difficult to resist. Most days I lament leaving it behind, but not today. When I walked out of my front door I was greeted with the most amazing sunrise. Splashes of yellow and pink filled the cloud sprinkled morning sky, it was amazing to say the least. I could barely take my eyes off of the splendor of dawn as I was driving towards class - until I saw a large puddle on the side of the road. Quickly I parked my car and ran back to the puddle which was mirroring the sunrise in the most magnificent way. Wouldn't you know that I just happened to have my camera on me?
This is what I saw:

God must surely have an artist's heart ... or maybe he just really enjoys how much something as simple as a sunset can amaze and captivate ours.
So incredibly beautiful!!
That is wonderful! I have no doubt that He does!
I love seeing the beauty of his heart.
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