
Sunday, February 22, 2009


OK ... so the Lord is ever the teacher, and this week he as been teaching me about rest, which is really just the next step in the journey of really evaluating the time I have and what I use it for. I began the process this week of taking things off my plate and have realized that somewhere along the line I have forgotten that my time is limited. Yes, limited as far as the amount of time I have to live, but even more so in the time that I have to give. I also realized that the choice to spend time with the Lord is made near impossible by just how many things are on my to do list. What really made this hit home is that the choice to spend real quality time with my children is also made near impossible by the amount of other things that are on my list. Taking things off my plate is difficult for me, but as I am doing it ... I can see that my plate, or the time that I have to give, is more than sufficient for the things that REALLY matter and SOME of the things that really don't.


The word falls
Silently upon my soul
Another minute slips by
As I hurry through life
Trying to appease
The demands of self
The word waits
For me
Knowing its time will come
Waiting for the day
When I am undone
And ready to curl up
At the feet of the one
Who’s lips

May rest fall upon you today,


drea said...

Lisa, I love that the Lord allows us to wait, (rest) in Him. He wants us to come and sit at His feet and rest.
I am learning too, more time with Jesus, equals less time worring, or fixing, or stressing, ect.
Love you friend,

Julie said...

Yes, I too am making more time for what is needful...sitting at His feet. Thanks for sharing.

Elissa Hill said...

I agree we all need to sit at the feet of Jesus, and just rest!

amyb777 said...

Awesome! ;)

Rest is good!

God's Girl said...

hmmmm.... thank you for that! God has definately slowed me down. Beautiful poem. Did you write it?

Thanks for sharing!